ZoeFest 2009 Australia Mission Beach

The Start of Great Picture Making!

Began the week! Stephanie took over brilliantly with her amazing voice that makes everyone listen. We have a great group of people here and I’m very much looking forward to the week ahead. And I can’t wait to see what everyone creates in this land of plenty. It’s amazing that this is happening in Australia!!

ZoeFest 2009 Australia Mission Beach

Destination = Beautiful

Arriving to Australia into a beautiful place. I’m at peace and everything feels perfect. Met up with everyone earlier and said hello … More to come.

ZoeFest 2009 Australia Mission Beach

Landed Sydney – off to Brisbane for a ni…

Landed Sydney – off to Brisbane for a night!

ZoeFest 2009 Australia Mission Beach


Only 45 to go until I board the plane in Brisbane and my trip officially begins.
I’m now wishing I had been perhaps a little more ruthless with what gear I decided to leave behind considering I was just hit with a $210 excess baggage fee….ouch!

I just checked in and made my way through security so now I guess I can relax a little and thinking about good it’s going to be spending 3 weeks away from work with an amazing group of people all living and breathing photography.

Hurry up, let’s board the plane already!

ZoeFest 2009 Australia Mission Beach

The Adventure Begins……..

After months of planning, I can’t believe this is actually happening.  Five of us will first travel from all over the US to meet in San Francisco, to leap over the Pacific and spend a week in New Zealand and then on to the Great Gathering in OZ.  Members of the gang include myself, the photographer Edward Badham and three models – Vassanta, Claudine and Rebecca Lawerence.  For me, the adventure begins a week before this  when I meet Vassanta  at JFK coming back from a visit to her homeland in Russia.  I can’t believe that in two weeks time she will have traveled from Russia to NYC to New Zealand and finally to OZ…phew…jet lag city.  During the week in NYC, we shoot together on a Long Island beach, hook up with Rebecca and have a send off party with some mutual friends.  I’m so busy with trying to wrap up all the loose ends, that I don’t even pack until a few hours before leaving…..hope I don’t forget anything

When we arrive in San Francisco, it’s Claudine’s birthday. She arrives with a birthday tiara and we provide the wine for a pre-flight celebration and meet and greet. Now it’s off to New Zealand.  From the time we leave NYC until we reach our final destination in Nelson, NZ, we will have travelled  for 30 hours straight, including a 3 hour ocean ferry ride from the North to South Island in New Zealand!!!  See ya on the other side of  the world!!!

ZoeFest 2009 Australia Mission Beach


Vamos aqui!

ZoeFest 2009 Australia Mission Beach

The packing begins.

36 hours before I’m due to leave BrisVegas (Brisbane, Aust for those non Aussies reading) and fly to tropical Cairns, I thought I had better start sorting all my gear.

Of course the camera gear gets sorted and packed first but unfortunately I’m one of those photographers that packs way more equipment than I will ever possibly need because, well, I might need it!

4 Nikon digital bodies, because you know, 3 might break down. 4 Nikon speedlights, 4 PocketWizards, 2 light stands, a soft box, an umbrella and a reflector all packed just in case the Nth Queensland light is terrible and I have to create my own studio! 3 hours later and I’m fairly certain all the photographic equipment is sorted and packed. Tomorrow night….clothes and computer gear!

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