The book: Zoe Fest 2009, Mission Beach, Australia will be finished printing on September 17.
Author: zoewiseman
The book: Zoe Fest 2009, Mission Beach, Australia has been sent off to the printers.
[vimeo 9437544 Cameron Attree ZoeFest ’09]
Just saw this on Vimeo and thought I’d share because it’s awesome.
Cheers Cameron!
ZoeFest 09 by Cameron J Attree from Cameron Attree on Vimeo.
Can someone pick out my images? I’m done picking out everyone elses. would be interesting for me if a couple of you would do that for me. please please pretty please. 🙂 meow and purr
Soph has such style to her modeling, and she likes to be anonymous in the photographs. So when I booked my room at the Elandra in Mission Beach and they had props already in the room I was delighted and had a few ideas that would fit to her style of figure work. It’s a challenge to make anonymous nudes. A too obvious pose lets the viewer in on the secret, and I never like to give away my secrets and I wanted to bring out something more that also worked with her style. So this all worked out brilliantly in this space. At least I think so.
Did I post these. I don’t think I did. I don’t remember. So much has happened since we were in Australia. I would love to be back there again… NOW.
I think I may have gone a little extreme with these images and my solarization. But, they are kind of growing on me. I like what solarizing polaroid’s does to the skin, how it makes it seem like polished titanium. And of course there are a few here that aren’t solarized. I just think the other’s stand out more and kind of kick you a bit.

Over the next two to three weeks, I will be picking out images for our book to accompany this trip. Projected book release will be April 2010. Working title: OZ 2009. The title will change of course. 😉
Have I told you all how much we loved Mission Beach? I can still feel the ocean breeze and humidity in my mind. Our house didn’t hurt the vibe one bit. I still wish I had video of Rei dancing her Bollywood dance. So I could post it here! She’d probably throw a smack my way all the way from Canberra though! All in good fun. I’ve known Rei for years and we worked together in 2004 for the first time with successful results. Many book publishings and magazine publishings with a few of our images. Now from this time working together I’ve already sold one of our prints. What a great feeling for both of us to know that someone wants to own a fine art piece from our work together. One of the prints from this session sold… the “Jim Morrison” pose. 😉 I was excited when we peeled the negative back and saw the unique destruction of the print that you only get with the Holga/Polaroid back combo. Nice. I hope the owner of the new print enjoys seeing it on their wall for a very long time. Thank you.
Muse @ our house on the beach. Trying to get that feeling of fulfillment back again as the weather turns cold, and the rain pours down. An island awaits in a couple weeks… until then, I’ll remember being here. I’ll remember walking outside and finding Muse cocooned inside of the hammock. Rei in her room practicing her Indian dancing. And myself opening the refrigerator in elation noticing the thoughtful chilled coffee Muse made me just to be nice. I really miss this place.