A selection of recent scans and edits
Author: mcaryphotoart
My favorites from some recently scanned rolls of medium format and 35mm film
Some of my favorite’s from my shoot with Muse.
A selection of favorites from a batch of recently processed and scanned medium format slide film.
A few more of my favorites from my warrior women serious. this time with the beautiful Joceline. Images are a mix of 35mm and Medium format scans.
Selection of images from the first batch of film, 6 down and 40 rolls to go 🙂
Oh I was so proud of myself when I decided to bring film gear instead of digital for OZ . Rather then dragging a heavy bag with a bulky DSLR and lens halfway around the world I would simple bring a small bag containing my Leica M4-2 and check my Bronica SQA
I mean I only had four shoots lined up each lasting 2 hour’s so I thought surely 15 rolls of 35mm and 20 rolls of 120 film would be more then enough to last me through the week, but it wasn’t. So even after getting 10 rolls of 120 from one new friend I was left with one day of shooting and no film to shoot with. Of course this was only an issue for a very short time as a number friend’s old and new offered to let me a use some of their digital gear to get me through my last few shoots.
And of course as a bonus I have images to edit while I wait to get my film processed and scanned.
Talk about an amazing week! I had an incredible time working with some fantastic models and also got to meet and spend time with group of incredible fun and creative people.
Zoe, thank you once again for letting me attend this year event, I hope it will only be the first of many!