I don’t know about anyone else. But, there were countless times I was happy for the video capability on my iPhone. Below are a few videos from our time together.
The grounds at Eco Village Resort were situated directly in the rain forest which ran right into the ocean. It was a spectacular setting and I had to walk through to show everyone.
Zoe and Bink conquer the Rainforest in flip-flops –
Our first real night being at our get together we do a print trading session. Michael Marlborough is speaking about his prints that he’s offering for trade. (I’m sure he’s loving me for this)
5 nights of our stay we held nightly slide shows of our work. Stephanie Anne helped me by being my voice for the evening since I loathe talking in front of people, bonus was that she entertained us with Shadow Puppets!
Here is a mini-segment of Stephanie Anne’s slide show she presented on Wednesday evening.
And just to remember how calm everything is – here is still video of the view from my house I rented.